Tuesday 19 March 2013


finally!finally!!!here we are. walahi, procrastination is not a good phenomenon at all....i had planned as part  of my new year resolution for the year 2013 to start a blog,but one excuse or the other kept coming in...that brings to the fore that excuses no matter how strong never leads to achievement, pls just get off your ass and start that project,that dream anyhow. A lot of us keep having faith!hey wait,faith is not in confession alone but faith is an action. you need to stand up and take responsibility for your life. nobody will do that for you.
   Today,i don't have much time to write but i promise you,you'll read my thots often and often now. remember ,the GOOD book said faith without work is dead. so take action


  1. Nice one...thanks for sharing

    1. i love your style of writing.

  2. thnx, am really sure dats for me... thnx again...
